the cool blake
4/4/2014 02:55:41 am

I think that rules are made to be broken and that if everyone did the same thing it would get a little boring. YOLO

4/4/2014 02:57:21 am

Finny feels the need to rebel. He listens to the rules sometimes, but often does not listen and makes up his own rules. Gene conforms to the rules as well as possible. Gene also listens to Finny who makes him do things he does not want to do, like jump out of the tree.

4/4/2014 02:57:40 am

Finny is a character that feels the need to rebel and not conform to the rules. Gene follows suit with Finny and rebels because Finny wants him to. Finny and Gene skip dinner, go to the beach, jump out of the tree and play blitzball instead of badminton. Gene wouldn't rebel if it weren't for Finny. Leper is one that doesn't want to do anything out of the ordinary or risky. Leper wouldn't jump out of the tree or play blitzball with the other boys. John Knowles is saying that there are always going to be people that both conform and rebel to the rules and restrictions.

4/4/2014 02:58:39 am

I think that Finny is a rebel because he bends all the rules and when he gets in trouble. He talks his way out of the situation. Gene always follows the rules. He never wants to go up the tree and other things that are outrageous. He wants to have good grades and not get in trouble with the teacher. Or he will have severe outcome of the situation.

4/4/2014 03:00:17 am

There is one character in the novel so far that doesn't follow the rules, and that is obviously Finny. He makes his own rules, and even when he is caught not following the rules, he still does not get into trouble.

There are two characters who are conformant, and they would be Gene and Leper. Gene always follows Finny around and does what he does. Leper is even worse than Gene. Leper clearly does not want to be doing what everyone else is, but he does it anyway. Leper seems to come across as the nerdy/paranoid type of person. Gene just has to learn to stand up for himself and have some independence.

I'm not sure what John Knowles is saying about conformity and nonconformity at the moment. I think he is trying to say that sometimes people can easily be persuaded into doing the wrong thing instead of what is right.

4/4/2014 03:00:26 am

Finny conforms to some rules but doesn't for others. He just kind of does whatever he wants. Finny does things like rip the feathers out of the shuttlecock and skip dinner. Gene conforms more than Finny. He doesn't do things against the rules unless he is dragged into it by Finny. Leper follows the rules more than the others. He is kinda of a goody goody person. Leper shows he has more conformity by not catching the ball and playing with the other kids.

4/4/2014 03:00:46 am

Finny is the obvious rebel in this book. He follows his own whims and doesn't like having rules set for him. He only follows his own rules.
Then there are Gene and Leper. They are both great conformers, Leper more than Gene. Leper follows rules almost to the point of being annoying and a fun-wrecker.
Gene likes and wants to follow any rules set for him, including the ones set by Finny. He has his mind set in where he even follows Finny's rules over authority.
I think, through Gene, John Knowles is saying that nonconformity is easier follow than conformity even if it isn't necessarily the right choice.

4/4/2014 03:00:51 am

Finny fallows some of the rules. Finny skipped dinner once to jump out of a tree. Finny also went with his friend to play badminton but they didn't play what they were supposed to they just made up their own game. Also Gene doesn't fallow all of the rule either. Gene usually fallows Finny around. Gene went with Finny to jump off the tree and not fallow the rules. Leper fallows some of the rules because he was to scarred to do anything else.

Sky Richie
4/4/2014 03:00:59 am

Some of the examples of these characters would be that Gene is following the rules and Phineas is not. Gene wants to be a good student at the Devon School for boys. Phineas never gets into trouble and that he gets away with anything that he wants to. Leper refuses the blitzball because he does not want the ball that was thrown or passed to him.

Kimberly White
4/4/2014 03:01:30 am

Finny is nonconformity and kind of conformity because in the book he doesn't follow the rules, he misses dinner and tell them what he feels and doesn't care about what the consequences. Then he is conformity because he tries to be on everyones good side and do what they say at times.
Gene is more conformity and nonconformity at the same time, because he doesn't want to do the things finny tells him to because he thinks it isn't the right things to do. but he still does it anyway because he wants to be like finny in a way and he feels peer pressured by finny, and he lets finny tell him what do, and he breaks the rules with finny.

4/4/2014 03:01:41 am

Finny is one character who doesn't like to follow the rules. Like when Finny and his friends were going to play badminton Finny just changed him mind and made his own rules for a new game. Gene likes to follow the rules and do what Finny tells him. An example is when Finny told Gene to jump out of the tree even though Gene wasn't comfortable with it. Leper is another character who likes to follow the rules. He doesn't want to ketch the ball when his friends were playing blitzball. He is one who it too shy to not go with the flow.

4/4/2014 03:01:48 am

Gene conforms to most of the rules. When he's not following the rules he is listening to Finny. He gets pure pressured by Finny into doing things he doesn't want to do. Finny conforms to some rules. He studies and goes to class sometimes, but he skips class, misses dinner, and he jumps out of the tree. Leper is the most conformed. He is the type of person who follows the rules.

4/4/2014 03:01:54 am

In the book Finny is a nonconformity. He does not follow the rules. He does what he wants when he wants. If he wants to skip lunch he skips lunch he doesn't care about the rules. Finny is a wild card.

I think Gene is both a conformity and nonconformity. I think Gene follows what Finny does. If Gene wasn't friends with Finny Gene would definitely follow the rules.

4/9/2014 02:53:56 am

I think Finny is the biggest rebel. He hardly follows the rules. He skipped dinner and it is like they did not care. He is pro at bending the rules and getting away with it.

Gene is kind of the opposite he follows the rules but when he is around finny he will do anything he does so he doesn't wreck their friend ship

4/16/2014 02:56:03 am

Finny is probably the biggest rebel in the group of characters that we know. However when he gets in trouble he does not lie he tells the truth? He doesn't seem to care if he gets in to trouble or not , although he doesn't ever get into trouble .

Gene is not opposite because gene also does not follow the rules he does what finny does, he really goes with finnyies flow. They really are alike gene can be good and follow the rules when finny is not around.


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