5/7/2014 02:38:40 am

I think the lessons that are meant to be learned from this novel is not to get over jealous over someone. If you do you can lose friends and change your life for forever.

5/7/2014 02:39:48 am

The lesson to learn from this book is cherish your relationships, because one day you might not have the people in your life. causilties do happen.

5/7/2014 02:41:01 am

lessons that were meant to be learned from the book is dont get jealous over little stuff, and dont assume things

5/7/2014 02:41:27 am

I think the main lesson is that you shouldn't let your jealousy for someone take over and control you. People should try to do like Finny and always look on the bright side.

5/7/2014 02:42:59 am

I think that the main lesson that can be taken away from this novel is to never let jealousy overtake you. Don't assume things about anyone because that might make you mad about something that never even happened or isn't even real.

Sky Richie
5/7/2014 02:44:11 am

The lessons that can be learned from this novel would be not to harm others and yourself, don't skip your classes that you need to pass, and do not do what your friends want you to do and to get you in trouble everyday.

5/7/2014 02:45:08 am

The lessen that can be learned in this novel is to stay strong and try to keep your relationships with friends so you don't lose them. Also try to get over jealousy so you don't ruin your friendships.

5/7/2014 02:45:20 am

I think that the lesson that can be learned from this novel is to not get so jealous that you do something without thinking. You might do something that you will regret doing and end up losing a friend.

5/7/2014 02:48:54 am

I think the main lesson that can be learned is never let jealousy take over. Who cares if another person is better at sports than you or have better grades you should never hate someone for that. I also don't believe that you should assume that your friend is trying to bring you down. Just talk with your friend instead of getting mad at them.

5/7/2014 02:53:19 am

A lesson that can be learned from this novel is to not get jealous. It can lead to hatred which is never good.

matt hanson
5/7/2014 02:54:15 am

I think the main lesson is that you shouldn't let your jealousy for someone take over and control you. People should try to do like Finny and always look on the bright side.

5/7/2014 02:58:54 am

that jealousy can control u and people need to learn how to forgive people and not compare them self's to other people.

5/8/2014 02:27:22 am

I think that the main lesson to be learned is to not let your jealousy get the best of you or you will regret it and you will not be able to forgive your self

5/12/2014 02:56:55 am

Don't let your emotions take control of your mind. The main emotions that was in the book was jealously. Jealously is the one thing that will hurt you or your friends. Maybe even hurt your friends enough to hurt your friends leg twice.

Giizhik to Lane
5/12/2014 03:03:02 am

You are totally right. Do not let jealousy get the best of you! If you do you could hurt yourself or someone else.

5/12/2014 03:07:11 am

One of the many lessons that could be learned from this novel is the fact that you can't just assume someone feels the way you think they feel. You can never know for sure. On top of that, don't EVER act on jealousy you may feel because of this, or else you may regret your actions....

Shadow to Cal
5/13/2014 02:55:28 am

I agree, Cal, there needs to be more positivity in the world and not as much jealousy.

5/14/2014 08:29:01 am

I think the most important thing that I will take away from this novel is to not let jealousy get the best of you. As you can tell in the story, Gene's jealousy towards Finny almost ruined their friendship; and that could happen in real life.

Casey to Michaela
5/14/2014 08:52:58 am

I strongly agree with you when you talk about jealousy causing people to do wrong actions.

Drew to Kim
5/15/2014 01:42:53 am

I totally agree with you Kim you should never be jealous of a friends.

6/6/2015 03:46:51 am

It ó is healthy!

11/27/2016 06:50:13 am

I think that a main lesson to learn from the book is that you cannot infer how someone else feels because of how you feel. Just because you think that someone is trying to sabatoge you or something like that, you can't decide what they're thinking.

Dezirae Fox
12/5/2016 07:29:13 am

I think a moral of this book is not to have peace within yourself and not to get jealous of people.

Dezirae Fox
12/5/2016 07:31:20 am

I meant to have a peace within yourself.

my name jeff
1/16/2019 09:44:32 pm

i think they are gay for each other and its gay so finny kills him self so he wont be gay

jesse R
4/20/2019 06:58:01 pm

the lesson in this novel is to be our own person with our own personalities. In the novel A Separate Peace, The author tells us to be our own person with our own personality. This is proven when gene says "The war was and is reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere.". I believe that the author is trying to tell us that just because someone else is better at something that you can't be good at something else. The author presents this throughout the novel in the characters, gene is good at schoolwork, where as jenny is good at sports and gene isn't. So the lesson from this is be yourself and don’t let other people get in your way of being the best you!!!


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